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Classical Preparation

A classical education it time-tested and delivers proven results. At Belmont, results come through an intentional focus on Content, Methods, and Culture.


Content—what we teach—is central to

delivering on our mission.


The material a student masters now shapes their future success. To prepare students for success in life, and in any future field we teach the classical Liberal Arts including the sciences. In planning the curriculum we begin with the end in mind. For example:


  • Literature is chosen that uplifts, enlightens, and builds character.


  • Arithmetic is mastered in the early grades to prepare for success in advanced mathematics and sciences.


  • Logic and writing teach students to discern and defend truth.


  • History studies, including true accounts of great men and women through the ages, help us gain wisdom and act with purpose for a hopeful future.


  • Latin trains the mind for life-long learning. Latin is the language of science, law, and medicine; and of leaders throughout the ages.


  • Geography and foreign languages help us look outward, love others, and be an influence for good in the world.


  • Beautiful music, art, and poetry improve the mind and delight the heart.


Grades K-1 Curriculum

Grades 2-3 Curriculum

Grades 4-5 Curriculum

Grades 6-8 Curriculum

Grades 9-12 Curriculum



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Life is a joy

so should be learning.


— Mae Carden



Method—how we teach—is a daily part of joyful, effective learning.


Students are guided by teachers who love them and love teaching. We use Classical teaching methods aligned with the Trivium--in this context, the three stages of a child’s development--Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric.


  • Grammar (Grades K-5): In the early grades children have a natural gift to remember facts—the building blocks of learning. Students happily sing, memorize, and recite, and are eager to demonstrate their knowledge.


  • Logic (Grades 6-8) In the middle grades students are increasingly ready to use the knowledge they acquire. They use grammar to express logical, reasoned thought; they apply arithmetic to solve problems; they make connections, compare and contrast concepts, and predict cause and effect.


  • Rhetoric (Grades 9-12): During this stage students develop their ability to create. They synthesize knowledge from multiple sources, refine logical thought, and express themselves precisely and persuasively, both orally and in writing.





Caritas - Veritas - Actio


In these times of distress, Belmont is a place of peace and refuge. On entering the building, the visitor experiences a beautiful, orderly environment where students can focus and learn. Master works of art brighten hallways and classrooms. As students enter the classroom, teachers greet them by name. In all things we strive to live our motto: Caritas, Veritas, Actio.


  • Caritas (love) – We love God and each other. We cultivate kindness, courtesy, and generosity of heart.


  • Veritas (truth) – We affirm that truth exists. As we seek truth we love more completely and increase our ability to act for ourselves.


  • Actio (action) – We govern ourselves and act intentionally. We live according to the truth, beauty, and goodness we have received, and seek to influence the world for good.


At Belmont, we believe in small classes and big ideas. We give compliments but avoid flattery. We strive to grow in humility through gratitude to God and others.




is the tranquility of order.


— St. Thomas Aquinas

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© 2020 Belmont Classical Academy             75 N 100 E, American Fork, Utah 84003           CONTACT

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