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Writer's pictureJared Carman

Thank you, Bishop Chadwick!

To celebrate this joyous season, our kindergartners shared a historical thought at last week's devotional to honor James Chadwick, the writer of a well-known Christmas song celebrating the birth of Christ.

by Heather Larson

Jr. K-Kindergarten Home Room Teacher

James Chadwick was born in England. He went to a school like Belmont, where he learned math, reading, history, and faith in God. 

He became a priest and a bishop after he finished school, but he kept going back to his Catholic school to be a teacher.

Bishop Chadwick heard a beautiful song that many of his students couldn’t understand, because it was written in French and Latin. The French song was called “Les Anges dans nos campagnes.”

Bishop Chadwick wrote new English words, but he didn’t change the Latin part. So we still sing "Gloria In Excelsis Deo."

Bishop Chadwick’s song is called “Angels we Have Heard on High.” The Latin words mean “glory to God in the highest.” 

Singing “Angels we Have Heard on High” can help us think of Jesus and have faith in God.

We can do kind things to help other people have faith in God, just like Bishop Chadwick did with his Christmas song.


This historical thought was delivered by our kindergarden students at devotional on 12/7/23. Each week one class leads the student body in prayer, the Pledge of Allegiance, scripture recitation, a meditation, and an historical thought. Family and friends are welcome, Thursdays 8:30-9:05 am.

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